
<<Scene 1>>

Isaiah: God told us a special message. Just listen!

A new king will be born for my people. He will be just and fair. There will be peace in his kingdom forever. All the hurting will stop. The wolf will not hurt the sheep. The calf and the baby bear will go to sleep together ? and little children will take care of them. One day, some day ? just you wait and see.


<<Scene 2-1>>

The anger 2: Dont be afraid, Zechariah! God heard your prayer! Your wife will bear you a son. Give him the name John. And many will joy and rejoice because of his birth.

Zechariah: How can I be sure of it? I am an old man and my wife, too.

The angel 1: I am Gabriel. God sent me to tell this good news. You cannot speak until the day this happens, because you dont believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.


 <<Scene 2-2>>Mary and the Angel

Mary: I am going to marry Joseph. How kind he is. And he made doors, tables and chairs. How clever at making things. He is a good carpenter.

Angel 2: I bring good news, Mary! God has a wonderful plan for you. You are going to have very special baby. His name is Jesus. He will be Gods promised King.

Mary: But I dont understand.

Angel 1: God will take care of everything. God can make everything possible. Everyone thought that Cousin Elizabeth would never have a baby. But she will, very soon. Her baby, too, is part of Gods plan.

Mary: I shall be glad to do whatever God wants. Ill go to see Elizabeth. Shes sure to understand.

Elizabeth: Zechariah saw an angel too. He came to tell us about our baby. And now God had chosen you to be the mother of the promised King! 


Emperor Augustus: Write down the names of all the people in every country that I rule. I want to make sure they pay my tax.

The man: OK! I will, sir!


Joseph: Mary! We must go to Bethlehem to put our names on the Emperors list.

<<Scene 3>>

Angels Sing to Shepherds

Shepherd 1: Look at the sky.

Shepherd 2: It looks like it is day

Shepherd 3: But it is night.

Angel 1: Dont be afraid. We have something to tell you. Good news! The best news ever! For you and the whole world!

Angel 2: There is a new baby in town. You should go to see him. He is Gods Son. Go, and see!

Angel 1: Today, in Bethlehem, your king is born. Gods promised King! You will find him lying in a manger!

Angel 2: Glory to God in heaven and peace on earth!

Shepherd 1: We must do as the angel said.

Shepherd 2: The sheep will be safe enough. 

Shepherd 3: Lets hurry off to Bethlethem to see Gods son.

Shepherd 1-3: Lets go!


<<Scene 4>>

Shepherd 1: Weve come to see the King, the King who has just been born.

King Herod: I am very upset! A new King? Instead of me? Never!

Shepherd 2: We have come from the east. We saw a bright new star, and followed it here.

Shepherd 3: We have come so far to see him. Please tell us where he is.

King Herod: Who could this new king be?

Shepherd 1: Long ago, God promised to send a king.

King Herod: Do you know where that king will be born?

Shepherd 1~3: In Bethlehem, sire.

King Herod: You must go to Bethlehem! Then when you find the new king, please let me know. I would like to see him, too.

Shepherd 1~3: O.K. We will


<<Scene 5-1>> Jesus Came to Love Us (That nightJ) 

The man: You cannot stay here. I have all the people I can take.

Joseph: But where can we sleep? Mary is going to have a baby.

The man: You may sleep with my animals. It is the only place I have.

(So Mary and Joseph went to sleep with the animals. That night Mary had a little baby.)

Joseph: We will call him Jesus. That is what God said we should do.

Mary: This baby is Gods Son. That is what God said.

Joseph & Mary: This baby has come to love us. And he has come to help us love God.


<<Scene 5-2>>The Give Their Best - Presents for Christmas

Shepherd 1: Look at the twilight star again! Lets follow it to Bethlehem.

Shepherd 2: At last, we have found the new king.

Shepherd 3: I see it. We must follow that star. It will take us to a new king. This is the place.

Shepherd 2: The baby king is here.

Joseph & Mary: Who are you?

Shepherd 1: Weve come to see the King, the King who has just been born.

Shepherd 2: We have come from the east. We saw a bright new star, and followed it here.

(The Shepherds went to see Jesus. They gave him their best gifts. They were happy that the star had led them to Jesus.)

Shepherd 1-3: Happy birthday Jesus! Lets sing a happy birthday song for our King, Jesus! (Happy birthday song starts)

Shepherd 1: My gift is gold.

Shepherd 2: My gift is frankincense.

Shepherd 3: My gift is myrrh.

(King Herod waited and waited. But the men did not come back.)

King Hero: Why dont the 3 Shepherds come back yet? Is there some problem? I cant wait anymore! Kill every boy under two years old. I will have no new kings in my land.---------------------------------------

Man 1: How about celebrating his birthday!

Man 2: Marry Christmas!

Man 3: We are happy, because he gave us new life!

Everybody: Happy Christmas!! Marry Christmas!!

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